

先日釈放されたばかりのStella Nyanzi博士は、すぐに、現在公判中のLGBTの裁判に傍聴して応援したようです。






ウガンダでは、レインボーフラッグを振って歩くだけでも逮捕される場合がありますし、LGBTがLGBTフレンドリーのバーに集まるだけでも逮捕されます。 LGBTではない彼女が、LGBTのために尽くすということは、それだけのリスクを負うことになります。

She effectively passed as a woman.





ステラニヤンツィさんは、ご自身が釈放されたとき、すぐ、” human rights ! human rights !”というシュプレヒコールコールをあげました。そして、彼女の支援者も皆、一緒に叫びました。

日本ではどうでしょう? 人権という言葉を叫んで喜ぶ人はいるでしょうか?





It was wonderful to reunite with some of my friends in the Ugandan LGBTIQ community. My transgender daughters Keem Love Black and, Princess Marts Rihannah brought several sisters from the trans community. I am always energised in the company of people of the Third Gender.

We spent the bulk of the day at Kayunga Chief Magistrate’s Court, attending a mind-boggling criminal case at the intersection of homosexuality, gender identity, religion and health. Swabullah (aka Richard Tushabe), a transgender woman and her husband Mohammed Mutumba are both charged with “having carnal knowledge against the order of nature”. From prison to court, they were handcuffed together. How symbolic! They were married in a colourful Muslim wedding by an oblivious Imam in the village, while Swabullah wore a beautiful bridal gown. She effectively passed as a woman.

Later, when Swabullah was arrested for charges of theft, the police woman who searched her body was shocked to discover that the hijab-wearing suspect before her was actually a biological male. Swabullah was transferred from the female cells to the congested male cells. Accusations of homosexuality and condemnation of ‘pretending to be what she is not’ started. The couple, detained at Ntenjeru Prisons were variously humiliated in the local press and on social media. Swabullah fell seriously ill during detention. Althought both were granted bail yesterday, Swabullah wasn’t released because she is also in remand detention for the charges of theft.

The general lack of understanding of transgender issues in Uganda was sadly on display in the courtroom. Swabullah was repeatedly mis-gendered and addressed as a man. Court users continually referred to her as man. When they tried hard, they referred to her as ‘he-she’. She was kept in cells for men. Her confidential sexual health details were insensitively discussed in the public court. People mocked, jeered and insulted Swabullah.

And so, it was great to provide support and understanding alongside several transgender sisters who came to court in solidarity with Swabullah. If anyone is interested in supporting Swabullah’s recovery, please contact Rihanna Martins who runs a support group for LGBTIQ people detained in Uganda’s prisons.