
7月の支援金総額 182150 kes

I will start with the July reports dear.

Date 11/07/2019
Amount received: 5000kes
Task: regestration of omega.
1.500kes was for transport to school for two of us.
2.1000kes was for her admission and regestration in school
3.1000kes was for her interview exams at school, which she passed and we were told to go back next term because the term was soon ending for candidate class.
The balance of those funds where added to the transport of people who where going to lion hospital nairobi.thank you satomi.

Date 16/07/2019
Amount received 1700kes
Task: was to take people to lion’s hospital in Nairobi.
1.2000kes was for transport to go and come back, they were 4 people.
2.1000kes was paid for the cards of their regestration.
3.500kes was for their lunch at the hospital
That is how the funds were used satomi.

Date 18/07/2019
Amount received 2600kes
Task : was to take people to HIAS for their equity cards.
1.1600kes was to go for the cards 16people.
2.1600kes was to come back at home.
3.300kes was for the snacks for the lesbian and the children.
Thank you so much for the support

Date 22/07/2019
Amount received 5000kes
Task: was to buy materials for my materials in the project.
1.3000kes was for 3 clothesline for my start.
2.2000kes was for cotton lining they were 4 each at 5metres.
Thank you for the support dear.
Date 25/07/2019
Amount received 5000kes
Task: was for the material for the pouches.
1.3000kes was for the 3 clotheslines
2.1000kes was for the cotton lining they were only 2
1000kes was for the zips I got two packs of zips.

Date 30/07/2019
Amount received 2000kes
Task : was to buy an iron box for ironing clothes.
1.2000kes was to buy the iron box and I sent you the pictures, thank you so much Dear.

Date 31/07/2019
Amount received 1800kes
Task: to buy the material of sherry’s dress.
1.1000kes was for materials 1clotheline
2.500kes was for her cotton line
3.100kes was for her pair of zips
4.200kes was for my transport to town
That is how the funds thank you dear and I have started realising report so for the sake of Time I will continue from there tomorrow dear have a good night.

(ニエリ LGBTI難民シェルター モッタイナイハウス RRCJのみの全面支援です)


Cash at hand 28,300KES

Activity Amount spent.
1.Rent. 10,000kshs.
2.Naivas Receipt. 9,170kshs.
3.Gas Refill . 1700kshs.
4.Electricity. 1000kshs.
5.Water . 400kshs.
6.Air time fee. 1600kshs.
7.Garbage (rubbish). 500kshs.
8.Local food (Market fresh). 3500kshs.
9.Transport charges . 400kshs.
10. B/f. 30kshs.

Total amount spent. 28,300kes .

Approved by Namala .Bashir .Erdin
Director Rainbow Refugee Program Kenya

(ダエモンのGround Zeroグループ )

食費 5450kes

(デイビッドのFrench Speakersのグループ)

食費 6500 kes

(マリアンの家 9人うちHIASの援助金は3人だけ)
RRCJから10100kes  家賃の一部、食費



ベスのスマホ、移住したかたのスーツケース、食費 、通信費

(chamwangaのグループ ホームレスもいます)
16300 kes リーダーのスマホ(5000kes)、食費

(デユニアの家 6人)

2200kes オムツ代、足りない食費

(フィオナの家 二人 子供5人)
8300 kes 引っ越し代、家賃、食費


Es 1200 transport
Mar 2500 transport
She 3700 medicine , transport
Eri 1700 medicine, transport
Abs 7500 transport, medicine
Jea 1500 food
Kane 3000 food
Gad 3200 transport
Clau 1200 transport airtime
Kut 2500 bag airtime
Tim 1000 food
KJ  7500 suitcase transport
Uwa 800 food
Tho 4600 consolation for Graham’s group in jail
Lug 500 medicine
Ron 500 food
Nal 2000 transport
Ven 1600 food airtime
Michael 2000 food
Coc 2800  Bag, transpot
wab 2300 mattress food