Activity report of January 2019;
Recipient G;
Food,drinks,milk 6100
Jumpers 32000
transport(include bringing jumpers) 2500
hospital card 100
Shower gel 500
Change on account 400
medicine 1000
Total 42600
Recipient E;
Long sleeves 1600
air time (post kakuma) 1000
soap 2000
making ORS when food poisoning 3000
total 7600
recipient KJ 1200
water, airtime
recipient Sh 10100
(hospital bill, transport, airtime)
Recipient Nal 600 airtime
Recipients Ga, Jo, Li, Du, Ma 5200
clothes, milk, airtime
Recipients Ro,Je,Ru,Th 3400
Airtime, Shoes,
Recipients Cl, Ch 7800
Jumpers, Food for boycott, airtime
Recipients in kakuma as Ab, Dae, Ai 3100
Food, airtime, (included the burnt woman)
Recipient Na; 8000
Mottainai house’s rent, food
(Total donation to LGBTI refugees in Kenya 89600 kes)
Recipient IB ( Nakivale camp Uganda LGBTI community)
20283 UGX for transport to the hospital Kampala