

“第三国定住というかたちで、LGBT難民を受け入れたい “

発信者 一般社団法人Rainbow Refugee Connection Japan 代表理事 嶋田聡美

宛先 法務大臣、難民に関係するNGOなど




 わたしが第三国定住に拘る理由は、UNHCRが性自認、性的指向を理由に第三国へ避難する難民の権利を保障しているからです。自力で、日本に来てしまったLGBT難民は、なかなかLGBTであることを信じてくれません。過去にはイギリスでも、内務省から性生活に関して不快で、あつかましい質問をされ(注2 )、難民申請者が傷つけられることがありました。そのような辛い状況を未然に防ぐには、UNHCRがLGBT難民だと認めた難民を受け入れるのがよいと思いますし、世界的には、そういう流れだと思うからです。イギリスも、今年から大幅に第三国定住でのLGBT難民受け入れを増やしました。




生島 嗣 ( 特定非営利活動法人 ぷれいす東京 代表)

林夏生( 富山大学人文学部准教授 )

稲場雅紀  (特定非営利活動法人アフリカ日本協議会  国際保健部門ディレクター)

杉原 哲也 (一般社団法人 千畝リベレーション協会 理事長)

平良愛香 (  日本基督教団 牧師)


田中真奈( 宗像財団  代表)

高月 真名 (日本共産党 新宿区議会議員 )



Petition for the acceptance of LGBTI refugee  resettlement.

On 24 May 2019, the upper court in Nairobi again declared  that homosexuality will be illegal in Kenya making local LGBT  groups deeply despaired . This decision is likely to affect other neighboring countries; many  LGBTI refugees are evacuating from Uganda to seek refuge since it is not safe for them.

In Africa, there are several structured reasons why  homosexuality can be illegal due to the Sodomy Law.

While LGBTI refugees from the Middle East reaching United  Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Turkey want to resettle in  Europe or the United States , there are some LGBTI refugees in Africa that want to  immigrate to safer countries like Japan.

The reason why I am involved in their resettlement is because  UNHCR guarantees the rights of refugees to evacuate from their country of  origin based on their gender identity and sexual orientation. In Japan, there are no governmental  laws or policies so the LGBTI refugees who have come to Japan are not discriminated by their sexuality.   

 In the past, there was a case in the United Kingdom which the  Ministry of Home Affairs asked LGBTI asylum seekers some “ “intrusive or unsatisfactory” questions.   They were harassed about their sexuality. To prevent these  humiliating acts, it is better to accept the refugees that UNHCR recognized  as LGBTI refugees which now the current trend in other countries. The UK has also significantly increased LGBTI refugee acceptance in resettlement from this  year.

Japan has increased the acceptance of refugees as  resettlement but still limited to refugees from Asia. Personally, I would like to see Japan increase  acceptance of LGBTI refugees.

In Japan, same sex marriage does not have the equivalent  rights compared to heterosexual marriage but there are several municipalities  which accept same sex partnership. Australia now recognizes same sex marriages but accepted LGBTI refugees even at the time they only have same sex  partnership. Japan can also accept refugees who have to flee from their countries based on their sexual orientations .

Would you consider that it is not the time for Japan to  reject LGBTI resettlement?




(注3)  https://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/files/000343330.pdf

(注4) https://mainichi.jp/articles/20181123/ddl/k13/040/002000c
